Information Retrieval
It present Information Retrieval as technology for taking out information required for us out of the huge information processed electronically . A search engine is used as a background of researches, such as a knowledge management in an organization . For example , we consider reusing effectively intellectual property, such as know-how and technology in a company (or a laboratory). Inoramation Rerieval is applied to the system using the Q&A example in the call center of a company. The Q &A example is a demand of the customer and its response in call center . Information retrieval is allow that quick support dealing with a customer is attained in a call center, and expect being able to find a customer's needs and the problem of goods by analyzing the problem which occurs frequently. So it expect discovering information more useful to a company. And , we aims at development of the question answering system which performs not reference of a document but reference of a solutionD Thus we are doing research which applies the technology of information retrieval to the framework of various researches.

Shintani lab. 2003